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Dealers in Fine Postage Stamps and Postal History - Valuations for Probate and Insurance
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1712  Entire addressed "To Mr. Geo: Moore Mercht. In London Prsent These" showing a SUPERB FE/13 LONDON BISHOP MARK.  Interesting letter written by his brother, Charles Moore, regarding "A MRS SARAH'S GIVING TOO MUCH TO DRINK AND MAKING 2 BEDS WILL RENDER HER BLAMABLE AND OCCASION SUCH ILL...

1712  Entire addressed "To Mr. Geo: Moore Mercht. In London Prsent These" showing a SUPERB FE/13 LONDON BISHOP MARK.  Interesting letter written by his brother, Charles Moore, regarding "A MRS SARAH'S GIVING TOO MUCH TO DRINK AND MAKING 2 BEDS WILL RENDER HER BLAMABLE AND OCCASION SUCH ILL...


Item reference: 3591

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